“If you’re looking for something to make a real difference in your life, this is the place.”

-B. Tao

Train your mind, body, & heart to experience life at it’s fullest.

10+ Years Experience. 1,000+ Lives Changed.

Grow, Heal, Evolve.

Recharge, Rewire, Reset.

Live more.

Welcome to Conscious Consulting!

Your mindset is how you color experiences.

Your physicality is how limited or unlimited you are in moving your body through different environments & experiences.

Your level of emotional resiliency determines how you will overcome the inevitable challenges of life.

Together these three elements determine your ability to create & maintain true health & happiness.

Supporting my client’s ability to create mastery in each of these elements is at the core ethos of my work.

Call or Text 941-330-4441 | Email: [email protected]

Why Choose Jillian?

“I can honestly say that Jillian changed my life. She gave me more tools and was there for me in more ways than any type of traditional therapy I’ve had in the past.”

– Brianna Martin

“”It was life changing. In just four weeks I had surpassed what I believed to be possible. I can barely believe it. My mindset is completely different.”

– Jenny Corrales

“Within two weeks of working with Jillian my life literally completely changed in the most amazing ways.”

– Isabelle Sanchez

“In two weeks my back improved over 50% just seeing Jillian once a week. After over a decade of daily pain & discomfort I have hope of a pain free life!”

– Dabney Porter

Learn More About Jillian here . . .

True Strength, Adaptability, & Resiliency is created from the inside out.

“I was able to sleep peacefully for the first time in nearly a year. The first night that happened I woke up feeling so full of joy, actually excited to start the day! Which was incredible because I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d felt that way.”

Isabella Sanchez

Poet & Client of Jillian’s

Get Stronger Than You Ever Dreamed Possible.

Experience how good it feels to think & move after training from the inside out.

Learn more, get pricing, schedule: Call/Text 941-330-4441

[email protected]