About Jillian

About Jillian . . .

Welcome to my website! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me & the ethos behind my work.

From a young age I have had a passion to help others feel valued, cared for, and connected to their own power & unique attributes, no matter what difficult circumstances they may be facing.

Growing up in the Episcopal church (my Father has been a musical director at an Episcopal church for over 40 years) provided constant opportunities to serve people who faced very difficult circumstances indeed. 

Feeding the homeless at shelters and setting up hot meals & food distribution in run-down government-assisted housing in some of the most dangerous parts of Orlando comprise many of my earliest memories.

Those experiences–along with two decades worth of major life challenges, changes, loss, and growth–had a huge impact on shaping my world view and personality.

Beginning in my mid-teens, I began to realize that every painful experience in my life occurred because it had something to teach me.

The greater the pain, the greater the lesson, the greater the potential to strengthen, deepen, and experience life in ever more vibrant, joyful, and rewarding colors. 

Over the last ten years I have been honored with opportunities to develope this passion, understanding, and purpose into a skillset & system that emancipates people from the false belief they have no power over their cirucmstances, no matter their past or present experience. Through God, all things are possible, and as we are made in His image, we can begin to realize this in our own lives with the right mindset, guidance, and tool set.

It is incredibly fulfilling to be a catalyst for incredible growth and the development of a healthy, strong, and resilient body, mindset, & emotionality with all of my clients. 

Trained, Certified, & Fully Insured for all modalities offered.